There (Pedestrian Crossing)
There (Pedestrian Crossing)
2010, multiple painted paper mâché forms, filament, wooden suspension lattice, painted walls, approximately 6′ x 10′ x 15′
When we gaze at constellations such as Orion or the Little Dipper, we see the stars as though aligned upon a flat plane, like dots on a paper. The stars are not even remotely on the same plane, of course, but instead are scattered and separated by millions of light years. All that vastness of space collapsed into two-dimensionality in just a glance. On the other hand, if we look into a mirror pointed at the sky, we see a living, moving image of infinity that defies the reflection’s physical parameters of only width and length.
When we flatten out the three-dimensional or take flatness out of the two-dimensional we begin to escape the rigidity of the dimensions, blurring the distinction between them, perhaps finding new places between them, places with visions as yet unseen.
Artist’s Statement, “Flat Out”
Wm Turner Gallery, May 2010